Order On Amendment Of Budgetary Classification

Published: 07.17.2015 in the Monitorul Oficial no. 185-189 Article No. 1285 Effective Date: 07/17/2015
    Under Article 7 (5) of the Law on budget system and budget process 847-XIII of 24 May 1996 to regulate and improve the coverage of budget indicators,
    The Minister of Finance Order No 91 of 20 October 2008 "On Budget classification" is operating the following changes and additions:
    1. In Annex 2 "functional classification of budget expenditures"
    1.1. Main Group 27.00 "Internal sources of funding" is filled with groups 23 and 24 in the following wording:
    "27.23" Means borrowed from the accounts of extra-budgetary resources ";
    27.24 "Repayment of loan from the accounts of extra-budgetary means." "
    2. In Annex 8. "Methodical instructions on the application of functional classification of budget spending, financing sources, Section B."
    27.22 After describing the group 'means the realization of assets BC "Investprivatbank" SA to settle government bond "is filled with groups 27.23 and 27.24 in the following wording:
    "27.23" Means borrowed from the accounts of extra-budgetary means "
    In this group concerns means borrowed from the accounts of extra-budgetary resources that are not included in the budgets of the national public budget.
    "27.24 Repayment of loan from the accounts of extra-budgetary means"
    In this group concerns repayment of funds borrowed from the accounts of extra-budgetary resources that are not included in the budgets of the national public budget.
    3. This Order comes into force from its publication in the Monitorul Oficial of the Republic of Moldova.

    Finance Minister Anatol ARAPU

    Nr. 98. Chisinau, 6 July 2015.

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