Moldova – Discriminatory Attitude of Police

According to a report by GenderDoc-Moldova published in 2012, police officers frequently  discriminate against LGBTI people, and many LGBTI individuals cite difficulty in accessing  justice when they are victims of crimes because the police show more interest in their lifestyles than in the crime that has been committed. Andrei, was robbed in November 2010. 

He submitted a complaint to the police, but when reporting to the police officer in charge of his case he found that he was interrogated about his private life, and the police officers cracked homophobic jokes. In May 2011 when he was again robbed he was again subjected to insults with reference to his sexual orientation, and he has received no information about the robbery. Andrei complained to the Prosecutor General’s Office about the discriminatory treatment, but has received no substantive response.
According to Alexei Marchkov, Chair of GenderDoc-Moldova, the general acceptance of discrimination against LGBTI individuals and stigmatization of homosexuality combined with corruption in the police mean that gay men are prone to blackmail and extortion by the police at known gay meeting points.  Despite the fact that homosexuality is no longer a criminal offence, gay men fear exposure, and do not believe that they are protected by the state.   

“In this country where the police are badly paid it is a catastrophe. They (LGBTI people) become victims of crime, discrimination, blackmail and even death.” Aleksei Marchkov, Chair of GenderDoc-Moldova.
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