Law nr. 506 from 15.02.1991
Absolutely exceptional importance and nature of agricultural products for vital activity of man, society, need to master the revival of peasant land, as the bearer of original morality and national culture, as keeper of ancient customs and traditions generates imperative priority social development of the village and agroindustrial complex as a whole. Of the social development of the village depends to ensure food and raw material welfare of the people.This Act establishes the conditions, content and other parameters of social development priority industrial complex in the village and the national economic structure of the Republic of Moldova.
Article 1. Organizational measures, economic and Legal, which provides property social development of the village and agroindustrial complex- Social development of the village property and agricultural complex is provided by the state by doing the following organizational measures, economic and legal:
- agro-industrial goods producers defend the right to freely choose the form and direction of work and economic activity and ownership of the results of their work;
- creation of the necessary resources to fully meet the needs of production and social infrastructure due form;
- change state policy on investments, targeting priority investments to strengthen the technical and material backward branches of agroindustrial complex;
- provide full resources for the development of agroindustrial complex capital investments;
- equivalent exchange of goods between industry and agriculture to form the basis of parity prices for their production;
- regulating relations between commodity producers and agribusiness system with state budget financing, credit, taxation, insurance facilities under broad application;
- a policy to stabilize the youth demographic to create village women living in the village of favorable conditions for education of children;
- specialistis preparation of highly qualified professionals and professional multi-purpose table for all households and for all directions of production activity;
- creating equal opportunities to meet social needs, cultural and living conditions of all citizens who live permanently and work in rural areas.
Priority social development of the village and agricultural complex investment structure determines the need for change in the national economy, shifting industrial production to meet the needs of the village and that increased volume of capital investments and technical and material resources.
In the first stage of transition to market economy, the formation of construction and assembly work plans and ensure their technical and material resources and equipment at all levels of management is based on the premise that industrial complex needs to satisfy primarily entirely.
Industrial enterprises, construction organizations and other organizations agroindustrial complex fully compensate damages for failure to supply technical and material resources or failure to plan construction and assembly works.
Article 3. Independence of the choice of forms of property and organization of production
The agricultural complex forms of ownership and organization of production determines their labor collectives and every citizen of the Republic of Moldova under the law.
Not allowed mixture of state, cooperative and other organs or other business owners, except to exercise the rights provided by law, state organs of control over the activity of enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Article 4. Equality forms of management in complex agroindustrial
Farms (farm type), kolkhozes, auxiliary farms of enterprises and organizations, manufacturing companies and other enterprises, cooperatives, joint stock companies, the leasing collectives, individual auxiliary households of citizens and other forms of management of agro-industrial complex have rights equal to the organization of production and possession of inputs and output.
Agroindustrial formations at all levels, built upon free consent by the business and agricultural organizations, processing, servicing and construction by farms and other households, enter into all types of relationships with the state as a unique organization.
Article 5. The size of state capital investments centralized agricultural complexThe specific gravity of centralized state capital investments (insurance with limits of contract work and resources), oriented to social development of the village and to strengthen the technical-industrial complex material, shall exceed the latter in national income during the first republic 5 years with no more than 10 points, and in subsequent years should be in the agroindustrial complex part in national income.
Article 6. Financing of the budget measures in the agroindustrial complex
Funding the social infrastructure of the village from the state budget gives priority to housing, social and cultural objects, development of power supply systems and water supply, gas supply, means of telecommunications and road construction. The state of gas and water supply in villages will be achieved within ten years.
Construction of village social and cultural objects, clothing rough roads, improvement of systems and inter-and hydro facilities within the household, the village group aqueducts, mobile, and construction of sewage networks, stations gas and electric, irrigation, land, shares erosion, improve chemical inter-operation of service systems and water plants, planting gardens, shrubs, vines are made at the expense of the republican and local budget.
Maintenance costs of social-cultural institutions of the village is financed from local budget.
Manufacturing and construction companies is their technical re-covered from the republican budget.
Roads linking villages and main roads within the village is classed in the category of public use and roads with access roads in rural areas, reported the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Moldova.
Article 7. Economic stimulation of employees of the businesses and organizations that meet works for the agroindustrial complex
Construction objects and the social production, conducted by teams from companies and organizations working under contract for city farms, is considered equal to their principal types of activity.
Article 7 was amended by Law No. 1592-XIII from 27.02.98
Article 8. Ensuring social and cultural life of the village.Village is granted equal to those of the city (calculated from per capita) to build housing, objects to education, culture and sport for health, maintenance, commerce, natural gas supply network, water and electricity telecommunications system and network equipment with telephone, radio and television services, the supply of industrial goods and food, and in terms of healthcare, serving the cultural needs of life, serving the transportation and other services.
Article 9. Exclusion of systematic change rural localities is without taking into account their inhabitants will
State defends rural systematization regardless of category, size and location of rural settlements rurale.Orice transformation (merger, separation, change name, move to another category, etc..) Can be made based on rational decision Soviet session of People's Deputies only will the inhabitants of these localities.
Article 10. Facilities to individual construction housing in villages
The Government and local Soviets of People's Deputies contribute to the development of individual housing construction in the village, creating beneficiaries, including workers in the social sphere and spheres of rural population living in villages, providing favorable conditions in building materials and machinery, services and preferential bank loans long term, half of which is compensated (canceled) after five years from the commissioning of the building provided that the owner working in agricultural production or manufacturing . Young families who live and work in rural facilities mentioned are granted regardless of the duration and place of their work. This part of the credit goes at the expense of the republican and local budget.
Dimensions of individual housing construction and household in the village is not regulated.
Article 11. Facilities to pay for electricity and responsibility for supplying electricity
Rural residents and agricultural complex residents who had lived in towns pay for electricity at rates reduced by 50 percent.
Of these facilities also benefit workers of collective farms, other agricultural enterprises cities of republican subordination live in and rayon.
Damages caused to consumers by disconnecting village unplanned or emergency power shall be compensated at the expense of companies guilty of Ministry of Industry and Energy of Republic of Moldova.
Article 12. Providing villagers with consumer goods, with auto-transport and building materials
Consumer goods are made in village and city to single price. Providing such goods to pensioners, veterans, invalids, widowers, orphans and families with many children is identical according to regulations for town and country.
Inhabitants of the village working in agro-industrial complex and social sphere of village funds are allocated half of the market for auto-transport Republican and 90 percent for building materials, are guaranteed priority sale of agricultural machinery, agricultural inventory and other goods of prime necessity.
Founded by fuel need people to provide the whole village.
Article 13. Pricing policyPricing policy is aimed at continuing compliance equivalent exchange between agriculture and industry, other sectors of national economy via the purchase prices for agricultural products, wholesale prices of means of production and material resources and services through tariffs for the village.
Article 14. Offset additional costs enterprises not covered by complex agroindustrial
Production costs incurred by businesses that fall outside the agricultural complex in relation to structural reorganization of their production to meet the needs of the agricultural complex to compensate the state.
Title chapter V amended by Law No. 1592-XIII from 27.02.98
Percentage rates on loans received by business and industrial complex organizations until January 1, 1991 does not change.
All kinds of loans from the bank for construction in rural areas in the social sphere objects (whatever term were received) will be canceled.
Art.16, 17 excluded by Law No. 1592-XIII from 27.02.98
Article 18. Financing of scientific investigations problems of social development of the village and the agroindustrial complexScientific investigations into problems of social development of the village and agricultural complex is financed from state budget and the resources received from signing contracts with limited partners.
Households applying experimental and are independent in determining their economic activity in developing links with industrial companies in the country and foreign partners.
Scientific potential of production of scientific research institutions, the design-construction organizations, technical organizations and Agricultural Institute "MV Frunze" in Chisinau, and financial resources and technical materials are used to solve priority problems of the modern complex agro-ecology and social development of the village.
Article 18 was amended by Law No. 1592-XIII from 27.02.98
In all higher education institutions and specialized reception rate provides students and students who, after graduation, will work in rural areas. Share a set MAA Moldova and local Soviets of People's Deputies in line with specialists. Preparation, recycling and raising the professional level of specialists with higher and specialized secondary education and the teaching profession and multi-purpose table is made from the state budget.
Article 20. Payment for labor resources
Businesses and industrial organizations and other businesses and organizations (except for their agricultural households auxiliary), not included in the agro-industrial complex whose workers live in rural areas, pay for the labor resources of the town stopped, and that the way established by the Government. The means used for social development called the Village.
Article 21. Responsibility for implementation of LawThe Government, local Soviets of People's Deputies are responsible for the execution of this Act.
Article 22. Obligation to take into account the requirements The development and adoption law other legislative and normative
Requirements to the Law "On the priority of social development of the village and the industrial complex in Moldova's national economy" should be considered mandatory in the development and adoption of other laws and regulations.
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