Law to Amend, Supplement and Repeal Legislative Acts

Law nr. 160 Adopted on 05.07.2012

I. - Law no. 121-XV dated May 3, 2001 on additional social protection of population groups (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2001, no. 51, art. 280), as amended, be amended and supplemented as follows:

    A. In the preamble, the words "war invalids, participants in the Second World War and their families" is replaced with the words "certain categories of population".

    Two. In Article 1, "war invalids, participants in the Second World War among the state pension beneficiaries and their families" is replaced with the text "some categories of people among the beneficiaries of pensions and state social benefits established under national law and their families. Categories of persons mentioned in art. 2 section 7) and 8) monthly allowance of state is established regardless of whether or not they are beneficiaries of social allowances or state pensions. "

    Three. Article 2:
    in point 1), the figures "600", "450" ​​and "375" substitute, respectively, with the figures "700", "550" and "475";
    in section 2), the figure "300" is replaced with number "400";
    points 3), 4) and 5) the figure "150" is replaced with number "250";
    in section 6), the figure "75" is replaced with number "175";
    Article shall be filled with points 7), 8) and 9) as follows:
    "7) persons involved in combat actions in Afghanistan and combat actions in the territories of other countries among military and civilian employees of the Soviet Army, Military Maritime Fleet, bodies of state security, internal affairs bodies of the former employees USSR, workers in these categories who were sent by the state bodies of the former USSR in other countries and participated in battles on their territory - 100 lei;
    8) are active duty military, reservists called to concentration, volunteers and employees of internal affairs, state security bodies and the prison system, included the number of military units and special structures in the even positions of battle, and soldiers, officers of internal affairs, state security bodies and the prison system and civil persons delegated in these units to meet the special missions for the purpose of ensuring the effectiveness of the struggle for defending the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova - 100 lei.
    9) rehabilitated victims of political repression during the years 1917-1990 - 100 lei. "

    Four. Article 3 is completed at the end the following: "People who fall into one of the categories specified in this law, but are not receiving pension or social allowance established by national legislation, monthly state allocations under this Law shall be established and be paid by the state social insurance bodies. "

    Article II. - Law no. 190-XV dated May 8, 2003 on veterans (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2003, no. 84-86, art. 392), as amended, is amended as follows:
    A. Article 10 reads as follows:
    "Article 10. Veterans of military service
    Veterans of military service is considered military Armed Forces of Moldova and the former USSR Armed Forces, including those retired or retired, who were awarded orders and medals or who were honored with state awards of the Republic of Moldova or the former USSR or departmental awards and entitled to pension for length of service or age limit, and soldiers who became disabled after the injury, contusions, mutilation or disease contracted during the execution of military service, according to law. "

    Two. Article 13 b) is repealed.
    Three. Article 14:
    in paragraph (1):
    point a), the words "for participants in the Second World War" is excluded;
    b) is repealed;
    in paragraph (2) the words "b)" is excluded.
    Four. Article 15:
    in paragraph (1), b) is repealed;
    in paragraph (3) the words "b)" is excluded.
    Five. In Article 18 (2) a), the words "and compensations" are excluded.
    6. In Article 21 (2), letter c) is repealed.
    July. Article 22 (2) is repealed.
    August. Article 23 (2) is repealed.
    September. In Article 28 (1) the "art. Article 14. (1). b) (relating to compensations for those participants in the struggle for defending the territorial integrity and independence of Moldova) which will take effect from Monday, January 1, 2004, " is excluded.
    Article III. - Law no. 133-XVI of 13 June 2008 on social aid (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, no. 179, art. 625), as amended, be amended and supplemented as follows:
    A. Article 5:
    name is completed at the end with the words "and / or help for the cold season";
    in the introduction, the words "welfare" words "and / or help for the cold season";
    paragraph shall be completed with the letter f) as follows:
    "F) income from salary, full time or part of business activity or activities related to agricultural land use outside city limits."
    (2) is repealed;
    in paragraph (3), the words "welfare" words "and / or help during the cold season."
    Two. Article 8:
    in paragraph (2), the words "social assistance" words "and / or aid during the cold season" and the words "property" insert text "/ use";
    in paragraph (4), the words "welfare" words "and / or help for the cold season."
    Three. Article 9:
    name is completed at the end with the words "and / or aid during the cold season";
    in paragraph (1), the words "social assistance is determined" substitute the words "social assistance and / or aid during the cold season is set";
    in paragraph (2), the words "social assistance is determined" substitute the words "social assistance and / or aid during the cold season are set";
    in paragraph (3), the word "residence" is replaced with the words "current residence";
    (4) as follows:
    "(4) The right to social welfare on a request shall be for a period not exceeding two years and will be reviewed at the intervention of any changes that may influence the level of social benefits established."
    Four. In Article 10, in name and in paragraph (1), the words "social assistance" words "and / or aid during the cold season."
    Five. In Article 11 (1) a) reads as follows:
    "A) to modify the guaranteed minimum family monthly income, amount of net income for farms and auxiliary norm and / or change the amount of pensions, social benefits or social benefits,".
    6. Article 12:
    the name of the article, the words "social assistance" words "and / or aid during the cold season";
    in the introduction, the words "social assistance" words "and / or aid during the cold season";
    point c), the words "welfare" words "and / or help for the cold season";
    point d), the word "home" is replaced with the words "normal residence";
    paragraph shall be completed with the letter e) as follows:
    "E) unemployed registered with the Territorial Employment refused employment or services to boost employment or participation in public works provided by the agency. In this case, the family has no right to file an application for social aid for a period of 3 consecutive months of May to stop the right to social / support for the cold season. "
    July. Article 13 reads as follows:
    "Article 13. Challenging
    Decisions on granting, refusal or cessation of payment of social assistance and / or aid during the cold season, the change amount of social aid and the recovery of amounts unduly received, may be appealed in administrative court. "

    August. Article 14:
    the name, the words "social assistance" words "and aid to the cold season";
    the text, the words "social assistance, established" substitute the words "social assistance and aid for the cold season set".
    September. In Article 15, the name and text, the words "welfare" words "and support for the cold season."
    10. In Article 16 (3), the words "social assistance" words "and / or entitlement to assistance for the cold season."
    11. Article 17:
    the name, the words "social assistance" words "and / or aid during the cold season";
    in paragraph (2), the words "social assistance" words "and / or aid during the cold season" and the words "welfare" is replaced with the words "such payments";
    Article shall be added to paragraph (3) as follows:
    "(3) verifying the correct and uniform application of this law is carried out by social inspection."

    Article IV. - From 1 July 2012, is repealed:
    Law no. 933-XIV of 14 April 2000 on special social protection of population groups (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2000, no. 70-72, art. 507);
    Law no. 477-XV of 28 September 2001 Law no. 933-XIV of 14 April 2000 on special social protection of population groups (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2001, no. 126-128, art. 898);
    Law no. 478-XV of 28 September 2001 amending Law no. 933-XIV of 14 April 2000 on special social protection of population groups (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2001, no. 126-128, art. 900);
    Law no. 554-XV of 25 December 2003 amending Article 1 of Law no. 933-XIV of 14 April 2000 on special social protection of population groups (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, no. 6-12, art. 70);
    Law no. 447-XV of 30 December 2004 amending and supplementing Law no. 933-XIV of 14 April 2000 on special social protection of population groups (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2005, no. 20-23, art. 69);
    Article II of the Law. 283-XVI from 10 November 2005 amending and supplementing certain acts (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2006, no. 31-34, art. 124);
    Article XII of the Law. 177-XVI of 20 July 2007 amending and supplementing certain acts (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, no. 117-126, art. 534);
    Law no. 135-eighteenth of December 29, 2009 to amend Law no. 933-XIV of 14 April 2000 on special social protection of population groups (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, no. 197-200, art. 670);
    Law no. 15 of 26 February 2010 on social compensations cold period of 2010 (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2010, no. 33, art. 59);
    Article III of the Law. 244 of 1 October 2010 amending and supplementing certain acts (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2010, no. 197-199, art. 652);
    Article VII of Law no. 65 of 7 April 2011 amending and supplementing certain acts (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2011, no. 110-112, art. 297).
    Article V. - (1) From July to December 2012, the National Social Insurance will transfer funds to pay compensations for June 2012 and to resume payments, refunded at the request of beneficiaries, of compensations paid within 3 consecutive months and returned to the National Social Security account.
    (2) Savings Bank SA will continue to pay for the period July-December 2012 and will present compensations paid monthly, as required, reports on the payment of compensations, and until December 31, 2012 - refund amounts not received by the beneficiaries to account National Social Insurance House, which will be transferred to the state budget.
    (3) From 1 January 2013, people who do not have high nominal compensation amounts repaid on account of the National Social Security will not be entitled to receive such payments.

    Article VI. - (1) Savings Bank SA will continue to pay social compensation in July 2012 remaining unpaid from the bank, and at the end - will repay the amounts not received by beneficiaries in the National Social Security account and submit, as required, report the payment of social compensation.
    (2) From August 1, 2012, people who do not have high social compensation amounts will not be entitled to receive such payments.

    Article VII. - Government within six months, will bring its legislation in conformity with this law in Moldova.

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